Sanseveria Silver Streaker
Sanseveria Silver Streaker
Learn how to properly care for your Sansevieria Silver Queen plant. This versatile plant can thrive in low-light to bright light conditions, but too much direct sunlight can cause it to burn. The best location for this plant is in a semi-shaded area where it can receive around 6-8 hours of indirect sunlight per day. It can also be grown under artificial light, making it a great choice for homes or offices without ample sunlight. As a foliage plant, it will still thrive even in areas with low light. When it comes to watering, avoid overwatering. The ideal watering pattern should mimic that of its natural habitat, with a thorough soak followed by allowing the soil to almost completely dry out before watering again. During colder months, the plant may not require any watering at all.